KnowledgeBase: Articles’ Visibility Control

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

You might want to decide which content should be visible to your customers, and which to your agents. KnowledgeBase allows you to set the visibility status per each article within its settings.

Visibility statuses

Currently, there are three visibility statuses available – Public, Internal, and Draft:

  • Public status means that the article will be visible in the Help Center. The article will have its own URL address and everyone will be able to see the article.
  • Internal status indicates that the article will be visible only in KnowledgeBase widget placed in the LiveChat sidebar. Thus, all of your teammates will see the article.
  • Draft status makes the article unpublished and hidden outside the web application. 

Each visibility status has its own label placed next to the article title, so you can see at glance the statuses of your articles.


Changing the visibility status for an article

To set up a visibility status for an article, head to the KnowledgeBase articles list and click on an article you’d like to update.


Within the article, on the right side of the screen, you’ll see the article settings sidebar and a Visibility field.


Click on the field and select from the dropdown the Status you’d like to apply to the article.


After choosing the Status, remember to Save your article.

LiveChat’s Groups support

At the moment KnowledgeBase is not supporting the option to set up the article/category visibility per specific LiveChat group.If you’re looking forward to this function – please tell us how you’d like to decide what content should be assigned to a specific LiveChat group. 

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