KnowledgeBase: Publishing And Disabling Help Center

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Help Center is your own, publicly accessible Knowledge Base where your customers can find answers to their questions. It supports the other customer service channels you use and improves the average chat resolution time. Help Center is offered only in the paid plan. 

Publishing Help Center

Publishing the Help Center will allow your customers to access your help articles, navigate between the categories, give feedback on an article and start a chat anytime they have an extra question. To publish your Help Center, go to the Help Center section by clicking on the "World" icon in the main navigation.


Right now, you should be able to see the yellow box displayed in the upper part of the Knowledge Base application. This warning informs you that your Help Center is currently disabled and your customers can’t see your help articles.


To make it public, click the “Enable Help Center” button shown in the previous screenshot. If you can’t see the yellow box and there’s a green ON indicator displayed, it means your Help Center is already enabled.


Disabling Help Center

Disabling your Help Center means that it’ll not be visible to your customers, whereas all your articles and settings will stay intact. To disable the Help Center, go to the Help Center section by clicking on the "World" icon in the main navigation.


Within this section, scroll down to the bottom of it. You should be able to see the “Unpublish Help Center” link with an icon of strikethrough eye.


Clicking on the link will open the small window where you have to confirm that you want to hide all your articles from being publicly accessible.


Confirming the action will make your Help Center disabled. At the same time: please tell us why you’ve decided to turn off the Help Center. We’d like to find out what we can do better to have you on board! 

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