KnowledgeBase: Setting Up And Customizing Help Center

4 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Help Center is your own, publicly accessible Knowledge Base where your customers can find answers to their questions. It supports the other customer service channels you use and improves the average chat resolution time.

Setting up your Help Center

To start off with Public Help Center, click the Help Center icon (1) in the main navigation.


After clicking the “Help Center” icon you’ll see the Help Center customization options. They are divided into two main sections:

  • Basic Company Info,
  • Appearance customization,
  • Custom links,
  • Google Analytics integration.

We’ll go through each of them in the next steps.

1) Adding basic information about your company

This information will be displayed in your Help Center as branded elements, so we recommend filling all of them.


Help Center URL

You can specify the subdomain you’d like to have your Help Center in. After setting it up, you need to set its CNAME to you don't have your own domain, you can use our free domain to host your help center.

Custom Help Center domain

By default, your Help Center will be hosted on our subdomain. Your URL will look like this: companyName.kb.helpIf you'd like to use a different URL, you can set up a custom domain. To do so: 

  • Go to your Help Center settings and enter the custom domain you want to use. 
  • Next, create a custom CNAME record on your DNS provider page. 

Here you have how to set up CNAME record:

  1. Go to your DNS provider's website (eg. GoDaddy, Cloudflare). 
  2. Create a CNAME (canonical name) record for your custom domain. 
  3. Point it to our server:

Please note, that changes can take up to 24h to be visible for everyone.

2) Customizing the Appearance

To match the Help Center with your company’s branding, customize the primary color and welcome message so it’s aligned with your current corporate image.


Company name

Your company name will be used in Page Titles and Page descriptions (Search Engines, Social Media Shares, etc). What’s more, your company name will appear instead of a logo if none is uploaded.

Help Center language

Your Help Center interface will be translated to the selected language.


KnowledgeBase support logos in .PNG, .JPG and .GIF. We recommend uploading logos in 4:1 ratio.


Here, you can choose the small, square icon displayed in the web browser address bar in .JPG or .PNG.

Preview image

KnowledgeBase supports a small preview image that will be used to represent your articles when you share them on social media or in a chat. Recommended ratio: 1.91:1 Size 1200x640 .JPG or .PNG

Background image

Here, you can choose the image that is displayed in the Help Center header. Please note that appearance may vary depending on browser window size.

Link to your home page

The link to your home page will always be visible in the top-right corner of your Help Center, so your customers will have the way back to your website.

Choosing primary color

To match Help Center with your branding, you can specify the primary color of your site. This color will be used in header background, icons, active elements, and other minor places.Note: We recommend using dark shades to contrast with white text in the header.

Headline text

The headline is displayed as a static header on Help Center’s homepage. You can put there the welcome message, greeting, or any message you’d like to pass to your customers.

3) Google Analytics tracking

KnowledgeBase is integrated with Google Analytics tool, thus you can track any activities your customers do in the Help Center.To collect the basic information like the number of page views, titles of pages visited, an average time of session or localization, you’ll need to insert your Google Analytics Tracking ID in the corresponding field.As soon as you’ll save and publish your Help Center with the present Tracking ID, the information will start to appear in Google Analytics.

Publishing Customized Help Center

After you finish setting up the Help Center with mentioned fields, you must save and publish your Help Center.To save all your changes, click “Save changes” button that’s placed at the bottom of the fields’ section.


After saving the changes, make sure you have published your Help Center, so it’s accessible to your customers. To do so, click the “Enable Help Center” button in the yellow box displayed in the upper part of the window


If you can’t see the yellow box and there’s a green ON indicator displayed, it means your Help Center is already enabled.

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