KnowledgeBase: Using the Insights section

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Building and extending your Knowledge Base is time-consuming, but it's much easier if you know what to write. We've just deployed the base for our new Insights section to help you with that. You can access the 'Insights' section from the left navigation panel.


Inside, you will find the overview report showing the total number of article searches, total article views, plus some more granular data about:

  • your most popular articles,
  • which articles are getting bad rates and need revision, and
  • which search queries return no result, so you know what to write next.

See trending topics

Top most viewed articles, shows the topics your customers and agents are most interested in. Top 10 articles are sorted by the number of views.


Improve these articles A list of Help Center articles that may need some revision β€” Customers reacted to them with πŸ‘πŸ‘Ž


Pro tip: Hover your mouse over the rating to see more details.

Know what to write next

The failed searches report displays phrases your customers and agents searched for but couldn't find. They can help you decide what articles to write next.


Note: 'Insights' will extend over time. We've got some ideas on where we want to take this, but we'd love to hear yours too! Please share your feedback at

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