Magento 2: Add LiveChat to your store

2 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Integrate LiveChat with Magento and provide your customers with the exceptional Customer Service! Make sure that they can reach out to you whenever a question occurs and start closing more sales in the process!

The integration consists of two steps: installing the LiveChat for Magento and disabling Magento's Page Cache. Don't worry though! We will guide you through every step of the way.

  • Installation – learn how to install LiveChat on your Magento;
NOTE: Since Magento 1 has reached its end of life, to continue using LiveChat on your Magento website, please migrate to Magento 2 and follow the instructions below to install the plugin.

Install LiveChat through composer: 

1) Make sure you have Composer installed. If you don't, you can install it by entering the following line in your Magento root directory.

curl -sS | php

2) Next, go to the Magento root directory on your server and enter the following commands, one after the other:

composer.phar require livechat/module-magento-livechat:dev-master to install LiveChat package bin/magento module:enable LiveChat_LiveChat to turn on the integration module bin/magento setup:upgrade to update the settings bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy to export the static files bin/magento cache:clean to clean the cache.

3) Now, log into your Magento administration panel and open Stores tab from the black menu on the left. Next, proceed to the Configuration section. 


4) Choose LiveChat and connect your account by clicking on Sign in with LiveChat. 


5) You will see a new pop-up window, asking you to provide your LiveChat credentials. After that, click on Sign in.


Your LiveChat is now linked with Magento! You can also configure some additional options provided by the plugin, like showing a total value of your customer's cart!


And that's it! Your LiveChat is now linked with Magento, allowing you to provide your clients with exceptional Customer Support!

Hopefully, you have found this article helpful but if you have any additional questions or doubts, feel free to start a chat with us - we are available 24/7/365!

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