Manage your subscription (pay per agent)

6 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023
This article applies to accounts created from Jan 8, 2020. If you created your LiveChat account before that day, please read Manage your subscription (pay per seat) article.

Whether you are on a trial and want to subscribe or you need to update your existing plan, you can do it with just a few clicks.

Check out LiveChat Subscription Policy.

Subscribe for the first time

Signing up for a paid plan for the first time is easy. All you need is a minute or two and your credit card details. Not sure which plan suits your needs? Read our guide on plans.

Only the owner and admins with access to subscription can sign up for a plan.

To sign up for a plan:

1) Log in to LiveChat and go to Billing > Your subscription.

2) Choose a plan that suits you.


3) You can choose a different billing cycle from the dropdown menu. Annual subscription saves you 15% of your total payment when compared with monthly. Whichever you choose, you’ll be billed automatically on every last day of your subscription period until you cancel your LiveChat account.


4) Check the number of agent accounts you’ll pay for. If the number is correct, move to the next step. To change the number of agents, increase or decrease the number using the counter.

5) Next, select Go to checkout.


6) Provide your credit card and billing details, and select Subscribe now.


All payments are in US Dollars (USD). If you try to pay in another currency, your bank will automatically convert the amount to US Dollars.

Please note that we accept the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express (Discover), Diners Club, JCB.

Agent account list explained

The subscription charge depends on the number of agents you choose in the Subscription section, not on the number of agents in the Agents section.

The owner and admins with access to subscription can manage agent accounts in the Agent section.

The agent account list is divided into three tabs:


A list of agent accounts you pay for. It contains both active agents who have already logged in and pending agents that haven't logged in yet. You can resend invitations to pending agents from the list.

Waiting for approval

A list of agents that were added by agents and admins. You don't pay for these agents until you approve them.

To do it, click on the Approve button next to their email. Then, you will be able to assign them a role and see your updated charge. Once you are done, an invitation will be sent to the new agent.


List of inactive agents—so accounts that were active in the past, but the owner or an admin with access to subscription suspended them. You can make these accounts active again by clicking on the Activate button next to their name.

Update your subscription

The owner and admin with access to subscription can switch plans, change the number of paid agent accounts, adjust the billing cycle, and make other subscription-related changes whenever needed.

Change the owner

The owner can also pass the account ownership and assign any admin as the owner. If you want to change the email of the owner, please contact our support team to avoid additional costs, as adding an additional agent account increases your charge.

Add agents

Once logged in, you can add agents in the Agents section.

  1. Go to the Agents section.
  2. Click on the +Add button.
  3. Next, click on Invite Agents.
  4. Fill out the form.
  5. Click on Send invitations when done.

Suspend agents

The owner or admin with access to a subscription can suspend agents in the Agents section. To do it:

  1. Click on the more button (three dots icon), next to the name of the agent you want to suspend.
  2. Select Suspend from the menu.
  3. Click on Suspend agent to confirm.

The agent will immediately move from the Agents tab to the Suspended tab. You can always move this account back to the Agents tab, by going to the Suspended tab and clicking on the Activate button.

Suspending an agent doesn't automatically lower your charge. If you want to pay for fewer accounts go to Subscription and manually change the number of accounts you're paying for.

Remove agents

The owner or admin with access to a subscription can remove agents in the Agents section. To do it:

  1. Click on the more button (three dots icon), next to the name of the agent you want to remove.
  2. Select Remove from the menu.
  3. Click on Remove agent to confirm.

The agent will be immediately removed from the list.

Removing an agent doesn't automatically lower your charge. If you want to pay for fewer accounts go to Subscription and manually change the number of accounts you're paying for.

Change your LiveChat plan

You may want to change your plan to get access to different LiveChat features. To do it, follow these steps:

Log in to LiveChat and go to Subscription > Your subscription.

  1. Choose a plan by clicking on it.
  2. Click on Upgrade/Downgrade subscription.

Change your billing cycle

To change your billing cycle, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to LiveChat and go to Subscription > Your subscription.
  2. Choose if you want to be billed monthly or annually.
  3. Click on Update subscription to finish.

You can change your billing cycle whenever needed. If you downgrade from the annual to the monthly cycle, you get a credit for the unused subscription time that goes towards your next payments. If you’re upgrading the cycle, you’ll be billed the difference between the old and new plans.

What happens when you downgrade or upgrade your subscription

When you upgrade in the middle of your billing cycle, your account will adjust immediately to the new plan. You’ll only pay the difference between your old and new plan based on the number of days left in your billing cycle.


Let’s say you’ve subscribed for 12 months on Team plan with 4 agent accounts.

9 months later, you need to add 2 agents. The price for one agent account is $39, and there are 3 months left in your billing cycle, so the total price will be 3 months*(2 agents*$39). You will also keep the 15% discount for the annual subscription.

For downgrades, you’ll be credited with the difference in price between your old and new plan, also based on the number of days left in your billing cycle. The credit will lessen the total amount for your next LiveChat invoice.

Cancel your subscription

To cancel your subscription, contact our support team by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner. They are available 24⁄7, so you can cancel your subscription any time you want.

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